Lakewood, CA

Lakewood, CA

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MOMCODE Lakewood Circle is the local support network of MOMCODE in Lakewood, California. 

If you are a parent or guardian that lives, works, or plays in our city and are interested in joining or learning more about our Circle, contact us for more information at

Lakewood Circle Board Members

Co-Presidents - Katie Barish and Lexa King

Treasurer - Lindsay Goodnite

VP of Administration - Alisha Page

VP of Membership - Tiffanie Cudney

VP of Communications - Brittany Berg and Heather Louden

Secretary - Stacy Forbes-Dale

Membership is $24 per year. Prospective members must attend an activity prior to joining.

MOMCODE Lakewood Circle is a registered nonprofit organization in California. Our Federal Tax ID is 87-1941774.