Welcome to
Kids’ Kindness Club!
Join us for new Kindness Challenges, and make a difference in your life and the lives around you!

Always remember to be kind to yourself!
Our self kindness challenge of the month is:
Say one kind thing to yourself every day. Some examples could include:
I have given this a great effort
I am very brave when I _______
My mistakes will help me learn
It’s OK that I can’t do this yet. I will keep trying
I am a good and kind person

Request or Submit an Act of Kindness
Are you or someone you know in need of an act of kindness? Feel free to contact us and let us know. We will consider each and every request, and will do our best to get to each one, as appropriate to our mission.
We would also love to hear about acts of kindness you have experienced in your own life! We will feature one special story on the website and our social media each month.